How To Create HTML Files Easily

Creating HTML is easy, if you know what you doing. For people like me, I'm also not so good in editing html (still learning). So today, I'm gonna show you the easiest way for lazy people like me editing HTML.

(Offline Method)
1. Notepad (Well most beginner user don't know, right?)

-Type anything in the notepad and save as (select type : All files) and make sure the last input is .html at the name.

-This is the standard html editor.. in history. Nowadays, there's ton of software for editing html.

(Online Method)
2. (Easier, fun and you can even create tables, form, etc in html)

-Edit, create anything, put everything to the html easily, they even gave out to you some sample templates if you want (at the option)

-After you've finished editing, check at left top corner, click on "Source" and select all, copy and paste to notepad and save as .html format. (see first picture)

What the use of this html? For Website :-
Windows 7/8 Web Server : [Click Here]
Windows 7/8 FTP Server : [Click Here]


  1. 陽痿,在醫學上更準確的病名應為“男性勃起功能壯陽藥 壯陽藥品 犀利士 威而鋼 威而鋼哪裡買 犀利士 犀利士 壯陽藥品 壯陽藥障礙”。主要表現為男性長期的或反復、經常存在的陰莖勃起困難,以致陰莖不能充分勃起,難
      一般講,在不同年齡段的成年男性中,至少l/10的壯陽藥 威而鋼 壯陽藥 犀利士 犀利士 犀利士專賣 犀利士哪裡買 犀利士5mg價格 壯陽藥品 犀利士專賣 威而鋼 壯陽藥 威而鋼專賣店 犀利士哪裡買男性或多或少地存在陽痿問題。也許正因為這種疾病較常見,并會給婚姻生活帶來影響,因此許多
    個不應期期間、即使非常有效的強烈犀利士 威而鋼 威而鋼 威而鋼 威而鋼 威而鋼 威而鋼 威而鋼 威而鋼 威而鋼 犀利士 壯陽藥品去哪買 犀利士 犀利士 犀利士 犀利士 犀利士 威而鋼 犀利士性刺激都不會喚起男性陰莖勃起的性反應。不應
    男人面對不喜歡的女人表現出陰莖勃起威而鋼 犀利士哪裡買 壯陽藥品 壯陽藥 威而鋼哪裡買 犀利士專賣 威而鋼 威而鋼哪裡買 威而鋼專賣店 威而鋼藥局無力,一個女人面對不喜歡的男人不能給予有效的
