How To Create Image Slider Blogger (JavaScript)

Pure JavaScript slider, no watermark or back-link to creator website. Why? Because I've edited the script for all user to freely use without problem. The slider looks cool. Click demo below to see example.
1. Click to : [View the Code]
2. Go to Dashboard > Layout > Add Widget > HTML/JavaScript. Copy and paste the code in the box.

3. Edit the code (you also can edit the code via notepad or in the widget box). Use notepad much easier.
as you can see :-
LINK1 = your blog post link
IMAGE-LINK1 = your direct link of the image for slider (must be sized to 700 width x 306 height)
about the #htmlcaption1 = if you want to put your text has different link.

4. Now you can save the widget. Hopefully it's working. You're done. 

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